  1. Download the add-ons ZIP file from your account.
  2. Go to plugins -> add new -> upload and upload the zip file there
  1. Download PoEdit.
  2. Open the easy-login-woocommerce.pot file in PoEdit. (/plugins/easy-login-woocommerce/languages/ easy-login-woocommerce.pot)
  3. Create new translation & translate the text.
  4. Save the translated file with name “easy-login-woocommerce-Language_code”. For eg: German(easy-login-woocommerce-de_DE) , French(easy-login-woocommerce-fr_FR). — Language code list
  5. Save Location: Your wordpress directory/wp-content/languages/
Use shortcode [xoo_el_action] to include it anywhere on the website.
login: [xoo_el_action type="login" change_to="logout"]
Register: [xoo_el_action type="register" change_to="myaccount"]
Lost Password: [xoo_el_action type="lost-password"]
Attributes- type refers to form type , change_to refers to logged in link.

You can also trigger popup using class.
Login – xoo-el-login-tgr
Register – xoo-el-reg-tgr
Lost Password – xoo-el-lostpw-tgr
For eg: <a class="xoo-el-login-tgr">Login</a>
Setup Social Accounts (PRO)
If somehow activating social login add-on throws error, please deactivate the popup plugin first before you activate social login.

  1. Create a new facebook App here
  2. Select "Facebook login" and proceed
  3. Add your app name and click on create.
  4. From left panel -> click on "Use cases" -> click on "customize" under "Authentication and account creation".
  5. Under permissions -> email -> click on "add"
  6. Navigate to settings.
  7. Enable "Login with the JavaScript SDK" option and add your domain name under "Allowed Domains for the JavaScript SDK". Click on save changes.
  8. Now from app's home screen -> left panel, go to settings -> basic.
  9. Add your website domain under APP Domains, set privacy URL, terms of service URL and add data deletion URL. click on save.
  10. Save the Changes.
  11. Now from app's home screen -> left panel, go to settings -> basic.
  12. Copy your APP ID and APP secret
  13. Go to your wordpress dashboard -> Social Login -> Facebook & Paste there
  14. You can now login users with facebook, however you will receive a message from facebook to review your app. You will need to submit your app for verification.

  1. Go to google console
  2. Navigate to "API & Services"
  3. Search google+ and enable it
  4. Navigate to "Credentials", you will find it on the very left side. (Sidebar)
  5. Click on "Create Credentials" and select "OAuth Client ID"
  6. Click on "Configure Consent Screen" if you haven't configured it yet.
  7. Select external and create. (Configure Consent Screen)
  8. Fill only the required information and keep clicking "Save and continue" (Configure Consent Screen)
  9. Select Credentials from your left panel.
  10. Click on "Create Credentials" and select "OAuth Client ID"
  11. Select web application as your "application type"
  12. Add your domain name under "Authorized JavaScript origins"
  13. Copy your client ID and paste it under plugin settings -> google -> client id.

Override Templates
Plugin template files are under easy-login-woocommerce/templates folder.
Copy the template file to your theme/templates/easy-login-woocommerce folder. ( Create if does not exist )
Make the desired changes there. Also check the template file header for exact location.
Field Validation
Custom Field has all the basic validation features such as required, min/max length.
If you want to add your own field validation, here is an example
Add a confirm email address field
  1. Add an Email Field from the settings & mark it as required.
  2. Take a note of its Unique ID or provide your own, for this example we are providing our own id which is "xoo_el_reg_email_again".
  3. When the user signs up, we need to check whether both the email fields value entered is same or not. If values are not same, we will add an error
  4. Add this code to your functions.php, I will explain it below.
//Validate confirm email address field function xoo_cu_el_validate_registration_fields( $validation_error, $username, $password, $email ){ if( $_POST['xoo_el_reg_email'] !== $_POST['xoo_el_reg_email_again'] ){ $validation_error->add( 'email-match-error', "Emails don't match" ); } return $validation_error; } add_filter( 'xoo_el_process_registration_errors', 'xoo_cu_el_validate_registration_fields', 10, 4 );</code>
Code Explaination
  1. $_POST['xoo_el_reg_email'] !== $_POST['xoo_el_reg_email_again'] Form values are stored in $_POST, you can grab any field value using $_POST[ $field_id ]
  2. We are checking if both the field values are equal or not.
    If not equal, we're adding an error.
    email-match-error is the error code.
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