  1. Download the ZIP file from your account.
  2. Deactivate the free version.
  3. Go to your wordpress dashboard -> Plugins -> Add new plugin
  4. Upload downloaded file & activate the plugin.
  1. Download PoEdit.
  2. Open the waitlist-woocommerce.pot file in PoEdit. (/plugins/waitlist-woocommerce/languages/waitlist-woocommerce.pot )
  3. Create new translation & translate the text.
  4. Save the translated file with name “waitlist-woocommerce-Language_code”. For eg: German(waitlist-woocommerce-de_DE) , French(waitlist-woocommerce-fr_FR). — Language code list
  5. Save Location: Your wordpress directory/wp-content/languages/
Shortcode (PRO)

Id - Product ID

Inline Toggle [xoo_wl_form id="10" type="inline_toggle" text="Join Waitlist"]

Popup [xoo_wl_form id="10" type="popup"]

Inline [xoo_wl_form id="10" type="inline"]

Override Templates
Plugin template files are under waitlist-woocommerce/templates folder.
Go to your theme/templates/waitlist-woocommerce ( create required folders ) & paste the template file there
Make the desired changes.
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